10 Tips to Stay Healthy In Winter Season

Even at the beginning of November, there is no winter this year. One day I was shivering in the north wind, but the next day it was hot again. According to experts, such weather is more likely to cause various allergy problems, including colds and fevers. So if you want to stay healthy, you have to abide by a few things. Rakhi Chatterjee, a prominent clinical dietitian, diabetes educator and senior dietitian at Narayana Hospital in Howrah, spoke on the subject.
1. Get up every morning and exercise according to the rules. It can be a morning walk or a yoga practice in an open space of the house. However, in the case of both, it is important to remember that the weather is a bit cold in the morning, so thick clothes, hats, etc. should not be left out.
2. Get a balanced diet from the beginning of the day along with physical exercise. Start the morning with basil leaves, sprouted gram or mug with two to four almonds. Be sure to include raw turmeric and a teaspoon of trefoil (amla, chlorophyll and beetroot) juices, both of which are packed with antioxidants. Raw turmeric contains curcumin. Again, I get the highest vitamin C from Trifler Amalki, Vivitaki has anti-inflammatory ability. In some cases it also helps control sugar and uric acid. Chlorophyll contains phytochemicals turpentine, polyphenols, anthocyanins, flavonoids. Each of which is very beneficial for our body. Constipation, heart problems, digestive noise prevention, etc. have a significant role. But these are just some of the things that will keep you healthy throughout the year, not just winter.
3. Have breakfast within half an hour to 40 minutes of exercise. Avoid milk tea in the morning. Whole grain cereals (bread, oats, dahlias) should be accompanied by any protein ingredient – milk, eggs or lamb and of course vegetables or salads.
4. Have one seasonal fruit in your diet every day. Remember that there is no need to bring expensive fruits from far away, the nutritional value of fresh fruits available near your home is maximum.
5. If one amalki can be kept in the daily diet, then the disease will not come close. It contains a lot of vitamin C. Which increases immunity while maintaining good immunity.
6. Winter means the celebration of vegetables, so make the plate colorful with plenty of vegetables and salads. However, you must bring it from the market and wash it well. You can make a kitchen garden at home, from which you will get fresh vegetables. The mind will be good
. Many people have a habit of light sleep after eating rice in winter. It is but naib naib f. Because rice sleep only brings laziness in daily routine.
6. Winter means nolen molasses sweet. A study conducted across Bengal found that diabetes in diabetics is largely out of control in winter. The main reason for this is the sweetness of favorite nolen molasses. So I tell them not to break the rules and eat sweets as you wish, you can make sweets with a little molasses at home with the baby. However, it must be under sugar control.
9. Take care of skin and hair. This time dryness is a constant companion. So use a suitable moisturizer.
10. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Can drink about three to four liters of water. Which will provide moisture to your body.
With these few things in mind, winter will never overwhelm you.