3 Yoga Tips For Better Digestive System to Remove Constipation

Exercise in our daily life is a way to solve many physical problems very easily. The daily food list of food-loving Bengalis is rich in oily and spicy foods. And because of this, some very common physical problems occur in people of almost all ages. And one of them is – digestive problems and constipation. So today I will discuss the ways and benefits of yoga to increase digestion power as well as a few yoga seats to relieve constipation. Hopefully, if these yoga practices are followed properly every day, digestive problems and constipation will be greatly reduced. Let’s find out now!
Yoga to increase digestive energy
What is Upanasana?
Upanasana is a seat of yoga. Upanasana is a Sanskrit word. This yoga creates a kind of downward energy flow in our body which increases the digestive energy and increases the efficiency of the digestive system. This yoga can also relieve girls from menstrual problems. It helps to burn fat from the stomach and back of the body.
The following is a step-by-step description of the rules for doing asanas-
1) First lie down on a flat place.
2) Then bend the knees with both hands and bring them close to the chest. The head and buttocks will be level with the ground.
3) Wait 15 seconds like this. Breathing should be kept normal.
4) Now move the knees slowly from right to left and then from left to right. Try to feel the pressure on the muscles. Then sleep straight again like the beginning.
5) Do this 10-15 or according to your body’s ability. In this case, the thing to remember is:
One is exercising
When doing this exercise, make sure that the spine and the whole body are straight.
Whether breathing is normal.
What is Bhujungasana?
Bhujungasana is another yoga posture that helps significantly reduce digestive problems and constipation, among many other benefits. The rules of Bhujungasana are explained step by step-
1) First you have to lie down on a flat place. The abdomen and forehead will be mixed with the soil.
2) Then with the weight on the palms of both hands, slowly lift the body upwards and bend backwards
3) In this way, after waiting for 10-15 seconds, you have to lie down straight again.
4) This rule should be done 15-20 times a day or according to the capacity of your body.
The thing to keep in mind in this case is-
When doing this exercise, make sure that both hands are straight.
Stretch the back with the neck.
The waist should also be raised a little above the ground.
Care should be taken to ensure that breathing is normal.
Benefits of Bhujungasana
Some of the important and significant benefits of Bhujungasana are-
1) The problem of digestion of food is eliminated
2) Arthritis of the waist and back is cured
3) Helps to reduce belly fat and eliminates digestive problems
4) Respiratory problems are eliminated
5) Helps to reduce shoulder pain
7) Strengthens the bones of the spine
6) Increases the supply of oxygen in the body
What is archery?
Another seat that is extremely useful for the digestive tract is the Dhanurasana. This seat is also called bow pose.
The rules of archery are explained step by step.
1) First you have to lie down on a flat place. The abdomen and forehead will be mixed with the soil.
2) Then the legs and neck should be raised slowly at the same time
3) You have to feel the pressure on the body by holding both hands with both hands like the picture below-
4) In this way, after waiting for 10-15 seconds, you have to lie down straight again.
5) This rule should be done 15-20 times a day or according to the capacity of your body.
In this case, the thing to remember is:
When doing this exercise, care should be taken to keep both hands straight and taut.
The neck should be parallel and the vision should be forward.
Breathing should be kept normal.
Benefits of archery
The following are some of the important and significant functions of Dhanurasana-
1) With the help of this massage is done in the digestive tract which increases the efficiency of the digestive tract.
2) Helps to reduce belly fat
5) Helps to reduce knee pain
6) Diarrhea, constipation, etc., eliminates various types of stomach problems.
Yoga is as effective as it is easy to increase digestion. If you do these three sittings for at least 10 minutes every day as a rule in between work, then all the problems of your digestive system will be removed and many other physical problems will be benefited.