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7 Simple Steps to Planning and Achieving Your Business Bold Goals



7 Simple Steps to Planning and Achieving Your Business Bold Goals

If you are in business and want to keep moving forward, goal setting is an essential and ongoing part of it.

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On the other hand goal setting can be irksome or exciting. It all comes down to your attitude and the good news is โ€“ thatโ€™s entirely your choice.

Want to have fun and mow through your bold goals one after an other? Then take time right now to decide on what it is that you want to achieve next and take these 7 simple steps to planning your next bold goal and the next, and the nextโ€ฆ

STEP 1 Decide on the next goal to move your business forward

If youโ€™re like most entrepreneurs, you have no shortage of ideas and possibilities to move your business forward. And thatโ€™s often the problem of goal setting โ€“ sorting out which goal to aim for first.

So before you begin, write them all down then objectively decide on just one โ€“ the one that you will focus on first. Knowing that the others will take their turn you can put the list aside until then.

STEP 2 Create your bold goal statement

This should take only a couple of minutes to write out. Keep in mind these key elements. Make it:-


  • Bold โ€“ so it excites you
  • Realistic โ€“ so it is a stretch but not so far you โ€˜feelโ€™ you cannot reach it
  • Specific โ€“ so you have a clear outcome and will know when you reach it
  • Have a deadline โ€“ so you can schedule the steps to completion


STEP 3 Uncover your why

Without the motivation to reach your goal you will struggle to get into action and get the results you say you want. Before you even begin you must get clear about what gets to happen for you, once you have achieved your goal. What are the specific benefits and the value to you of reaching your goal? Take a moment now and list them all.

STEP 4 Break it down

Brainstorm all the steps you need to take to along the way. Starting from the first to the last step, break it down. This will keep you out of overwhelm. My tip is to concentrate on the what and donโ€™t worry about the how at this stage. That will just slow you down.

You will automatically identify what resources and help you will need through this process and you can address this later.

STEP 5 Put it on your calendar

If you are serious about successfully completing your bold goal โ€“ you must put each and every step on your calendar. This will ensure you stay focused and moving towards your bold goal. It will also highlight if you have allowed too much or not enough time for each step. So you can easily make adjustments.

STEP 6 Get into action

Sounds, logical but if you donโ€™t take the first step youโ€™ll never get going. Then itโ€™s a simple matter of completing each step, then the next and the next until you reach your goal.

STEP 7 Celebrate

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs in particular make is reaching a bold goal and rushing onto the next, without celebrating. There is no way you would not acknowledge and reward one of your team for a job well done โ€“ so donโ€™t deny yourself. Give yourself a big pat on the back and truly recognize and reward yourself for your achievement.

In fact you should make that a preliminary step, before you even take step one and decide on what your bold goal is. Think up a juicy reward and pin that on your vision board and then โ€“ take that first step. Do it now!

Small businessย marketing expert Kathleen Ann is the โ€œMarketing Champion for small Business and entrepreneurs.โ€ As a Certified Money, Marketing and Soul Coach Kathleen delivers breakthrough marketing strategies so heart-centered entrepreneurs can Brand, Package and Price their services to quickly create more money, time and freedom in their business. For free articles, free resources and to sign up for her free audio and transcript โ€œ7 Must Know Secrets to Business Branding Successโ€, essential Branding strategies to help you attract qualified ideal

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