A short interview with the most passionate and multi-talented inspiration Emanuel Pantora

We are all glad to have a beautiful talk with the most passionate and emerging acting talent from South Sudan everyone has been talking about. Perfect spiritual motivation for youngsters and a must-listen success story, yes we are talking about none other than Emanuel Pantora. Getting to know him closely and his ultimate struggle story motivate us to the next level. Feeling curious already? Wait no more; let us take you to have an insight into the beautiful short session of conversation.
“Hi Emanuel Pantora, hope you doing well. We already feel curious to hear from you, so please tell our readers about your early life and family!”
Hi, I was born in South Sudan and then I moved to Egypt. After five years, I migrated to Canada with my family who had left a war country in search of peace when was south Sudan war happening. About my family members, I have like 14 siblings and my parents are Gai and Nyaluak and about my birth, I was born on March 3rd.”
“That’s great Emanuel Pantora, so tell us about your acting career. When did it start and how did the things come in your life?”
Well, to be honest, I fell into acting by complete surprise when I was playing clash royal in my room and got bored. I got outside and decided to walk. I ended up entering an audition hall. It was a matter of complete surprise that I got the role.
“So it changed your life a lot, is that right?”
Yeah, that is right. When I got the role, I took it as a sign that this is what I was meant to do. It wasn’t easy at all. Things were not also going in my odds. Despite traveling city to city I never got the roles I heartily wanted. This got like a cycle and had me into a depression. It exactly was the time when I was about to pack it all but the modeling discovered me.
“Oh, that’s amazing, so how was your experience in modeling? Did it become your forever passion?”
Well, I did modeling for around a year. Still, despite feeling like it saved me, I felt that it was not somewhere I belonged for the long term. A passion for acting was still alive inside me. So I turned myself back into acting after modeling for a year and I never looked back there again.
“ Emanuel Pantora we have heard that you struggled hard adjusting to various cultures due to immigration. How was that experience?”
If I tell you the truth, as an immigrant child, it was really hard to grow up in a place that makes you feel lost. It was a real struggle to adjust to different cultures. It was a hard phase for me to adjust to that huge culture shock. It gave a huge impact on my behavior in practice. I ended up fighting at school and skipping classes. I started to isolate myself away from other kids my age. It eventually led me to experience and face more bullying and depression.
“So it means you went through a lot until you realized about your real passion, right?”
I felt a cheerful moment when I was in 9th standard. I discovered that acting was the true path I always wanted to pursue. I would go out at times when I was 11. I sneaked out of my house at midnight and enjoy gazing at stars in the sky. I would lay down in the playground and dream. I would wish upon the stars to become famous and be successful someday. I would wish to make my family feel proud.
“That is so heartwarming. Emanuel Pantora, how would you like to make others keep with the true path?’’
I believe that everyone’s dreams come true and prove that we all can accomplish anything, even at a time when all odds are against you as long as you keep pushing forward.
“Emanuel Pantora our fans are so restless to know about the roles you performed in your acting career. Please mention some of them for us-“
Well, as a new actor I had chance to work in features, short films, commercials and modeling. I also played the leading villain named Massai; a spiritual leader in my first role Bloody Romeo.
“We had a lovely conversation with you Emanuel, the time just flew by, and it’s never enough to be hearing from you Emanuel, but i would like towind up with “What motivated you the most? So our fans get the most out of your talk”
I would say that honestly I would not have made it this far or found my place without the kindness of everyone I’ve met along my journey. The world is filled with many colors and I cannot wait at all to meet everyone of you that life brings my way.