An Instagram Filter Restoring Lebanese Pride During COVID-19

Being patriotic does not imply confronting problems violently; rather, it qualifies one to spread the message of peace and love for one’s homeland.
This is the latest “Lebanese and Proud” Instagram filter that has been getting a lot of attention on Instagram.
Sami Mukahhal was born in Lebanon on November 15, 1991, and his Instagram Filter reflects his great pride in his country and its heritage.
The underlying goal of this Instagram Filter was to boost a sense of patriotic fever in the public to restore Lebanon’s love. After all, if Instagram has floral filters, why shouldn’t this one? He wasn’t afraid of the reaction when he launched this filter. As a result, he is now a media sensation and an inspiration to many Lebanese around the world.
If you can’t find him reading a book or watching Netflix, look in the garden. He’ll be there, drinking his protein shake laughing, and smiling. People would leave comments like “Keep up the great work”, “Man, you make us laugh,” and more due to his hilarious unprompted humor.
It’s a hit! He enjoys doing this for the rest of his life if it meant making people laugh and smile. He lives by “We all smile in the same language.” He saw how many people could share their stories using his Instagram Filter, releasing Lebanese pride, and how the atmosphere had improved.
For him, the “Lebanese and Proud” Instagram Filter is more than just a filter; it is a tie that binds him to his roots and his beloved country, Lebanon.
Please visit Sami’s Instagram Profile by clicking here @samimukahhal to try out his Lebanese and Proud Instagram Filter.

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