Buy OnlyFans subs for Music Artists

How much can you earn at OnlyFans? The truth is that big money, exclusive content for music artists is one of the most lucrative niches; especially if you dedicate yourself to your work. But it is also true that the competition is high and getting subscribers is not always easy, buy fans, it is best to follow these tips to make money with OnlyFans. Of course, it is important to know ways to get subscribers to OnlyFans. But so is taking care of the content to keep current subscribers. You must be especially careful from the background of the scene to the angle at which you point your phone; Let’s see what you can do to create quality content for OnlyFans.
Use a simple background
Let’s start with something that will occupy a large part of the image: the background. A very loaded or disorderly scene will capture all the attention of the users, leaving you in the background. Whether you record in the studio, you should keep everything simple and clean. An empty wall can work as a background. If space is limited, you could use an app like AirBrush to touch up your video to make it look more professional.
Look for comfort
All videos require preparation, so you will need to practice different applications and graphics before starting. The best videos are those that give you comfort and make you feel relax; If you would like to highlight some particular movement, you can put it front and centre in a position that you can maintain.
Why shouldn’t you improvise? Imagine that you record a complete video and when editing you realize that you don’t like it; you will have wasted all your time. Therefore, before recording continuously, take a test shot to see what the result will be.
Find the perfect lighting
Although the ideal will always be to record with natural light, not all of us have huge windows and the perfect climate; Either way, you will have to take care of the lighting, the colors, and the tones. Instead, you could help yourself with bright lamps and dimmable LED lights, as well as a video app that works in low light.
But don’t worry, you don’t have to spend a big budget to get the best lighting. Many times, it will be enough with a ring of light for selfies, which are usually quite cheap, especially if it includes a tripod and a Smartphone holder
Find a good angle
Speaking of the support for telephones, it is not necessary that you acquire a professional camera, it may be enough with the camera of your Smartphone; that even adds the amateur touch that today’s audiences fall in love with. However, it will take a lot of practice to determine which angles are best for your videos.
The position of the camera depends on what you want to show, for example, you could put it upwards to better capture the emotions. You could also experiment with the camera from an immersive point of view and even incorporate different angles in the same video, even if it takes longer. You can use the front camera to see how you look, but don’t get distracted by your image.
What clothes to wear?
When you’re going to shoot a solo video, it’s normal to worry about which wardrobe would look good on camera. But the truth is that you only have to focus on two things: what are you selling and what do you feel comfortable with. On the one hand, if you are into role-playing games, then try to choose outfits that go with the setting but don’t look surreal.
Although fishnet stockings are sexy and look great on thick thighs, the most important thing is the comfort to feel sensual. There are successful OnlyFans users who even record content in their jeans. If you don’t like latex, it would be even worse to see your face in pain from wearing tight clothing. Choose your style of sensuality and dress around it: soft and delicate, or playful, and even provocative.
Don’t stop having fun
If you’re shooting musical content; this is completely normal, but don’t worry about looking hot, people pay to see you being who you are, so act natural and let it flow. The more people will enjoy the content the more homemade it looks. On the other hand, there will always be variables, especially if you don’t have a completely controlled environment to record your content. It is likely that you will have to make changes due to technical unforeseen, the time of day or the subject of the content, but also because of your mood; So, try to be flexible with yourself, this is a fun job and no one is watching you.
Promote your account everywhere
It is more than obvious, if your income comes from subscriptions, you cannot make money with OnlyFans without subscribers. So, the first thing you should do is start looking for them and how to have more followers on onlyfans? You can do that through other social networks; It can be on Instagram, which is a visual social network, or Twitter, which is not so censored.
In either of the two platforms, you could place suggestive content and invite your followers to see more in your OnlyFans; Take advantage of hashtags to reach more people! Even once in a while, you could make a photo available on your OnlyFans censoring certain places, then you remind users that they can subscribe to see the original photo.
Consider offering free content
I know, the title of this article says that you are going to make money and now I tell you to give free content? This is nothing less than a marketing strategy, it is about taking a look at users so that they fall in love with your content and continue paying later to see more; I assure you that you will soon multiply your number of subscribers.
On the other hand, the free content will also help you to make a place on the platform and you could profit from the exclusive content (those requests for which you receive tips). Either way, it is an advantage that OnlyFans allows you to set up a free subscription on your account.
Tips to earn money with OnlyFans Do you think that all the previous tips were not enough? You are right because you can always go further and get more options and information. You can always learn so much more.