Growing up as a woman isn’t easy. It comes with a huge list of restrictions, boundaries, and criticism.
Since the beginning of time, various stereotypes have been attached to the female gender. Thought of as the hearth to being the weaker gender,unable to grow in a workplace, less ambitious, very sensitive, and unable to fathom the way the world works; there are numerous hurtful things that women have had to and still hear time to time. It’s as if success, regardless of the field, comes with gender.
However, by exhibiting how strong-headed and strong-willed women truly are, they’ve proven society and the world wrong over and over again. From the business sector to the industrial world, and from fighting for rights to entertaining the world, women have proved that gender has nothing to do with success.
There are so many women who have excelled and made their marks in their respective fields. Rosa Parks, the first American activist lady in the civil rights’ movement and the mother of freedom movement; Christabel Pankhurst, the co-founder of the Women’s Social and Political Union; Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook; Indra Nooyi, one of the world’s most powerful women; Scarlett Johansson, the most successful actress in Hollywood; Margaret Atwood, the most prominent author; Madonna, the only female artist to have sold more than 250 million units in claimed sales, and the list is endless.
Daniela Asaro Romanoff is an exemplary role model for women who aim to achieve more in their lives. Not paying heed to the chains holding women back, her courage and will to excel in more than just one field is truly commendable. Today, she stands with her head held high as an artist, writer, physicist, and journalist.
Born and raised in Italy, Romanoff moved to the city of lights when she was just a teenager. Growing up in a lively city instilled a sense of responsibility in Romanoff, and she started going to the office with one of her relatives. Her first job was only to make photocopies for Onassis’ yacht, Christina.
Her next step toward the ladder of success was entering the world of physics. She set her mind to be the best, which she successfully achieved when she became the head of the physics lab. With the aim to add creativity to her portfolio, Romanoff took a turn toward the art world. Once again, her exceptional grip in the field led her to craft masterpieces that include The Hollow Man, Golden Monasteries, and Russian Flowers. The themes of her paintings and sculptures usually revolve around physics and sports.
Her further exploration of the art world brought forth her talent of composing symphonic music. Her composition reflects her love for music, which is observed and applauded by a broad audience across the world. She has also organized events at the Milan LATIN and Autodrome of Moza festivals.
Romanoff’swill to do more only grew further. She developed a profound love for words as she began writing books based on different languages. Her books are published in different languages, including Italian, English, French, and Spanish, each recognized globally. Her take on cultural history can be observed in her writings. Some of her writings include Alba Cubana, Saints Romanov et Monasteres Russes, Salvemos al Futbol, Tombee en amour…pourla douleur, and AmanecerdeCuba.
Daniela Asaro Romanoff’s command in different fields has proved that a woman is able to achieve whatever she sets her mind to. Through her journey, she aims to tell women that success has nothing to do with gender, its only about hard work, passion, and determination!