Directed By Meosha Bean, M.V.B Films’ Vol 4 “Green Height Point” Is Set To Release 8 -5-22

Director Meosha Bean is back with her last installment of the renowned Horror Anthology by M.V.B Films. It is the Vol 4 of the series and is titled “Green Height Point” which is already gaining some praise among a few. Set to hit the film festival world later in 2022. In this film through her style of approach, She has paid honor to the great Sir Alfred Hitchcock and Jordan Peele. This film takes one on an exhilarating journey about love, loss, and lies.
Also, she’s bringing in some talented actors on this one such as Jerrel O’ Neal who stars in the thriller feature, Phels High 2022, starring Omari Hardwick from the hit show Ghost. Meosha is off to a great start in 2022. This project also stars Kaye Williams, Shan Moreno, Bradford Wilson, Kris Yousif, Kenneth D Tran, and Darren Mancini. We can’t wait.
About the director: Meosha Bean is an award-winning actress and filmmaker voted as Best Upcoming Director at the New Jersey Film Festival 2012. Meosha started filming and acting at the tender age of 7 and has since completed roles in features, short films, and music videos. Now the founder of M.V.B Films (est. 2003), her projects include the untold story of Mariano Mendoza, Anatomy of An Antihero Redemption directed by Meosha Bean, which stars Alan Delabie Eric Roberts and Merrick McCartha is available on DVD Blu-ray and digital platforms. Miss Pepper – her award-winning short gained more than 30,000 views in one week upon release. Appeared in Shudder’s hit documentary. Horror Noire History Of Black Horror. Directed by Xavier Burgin. Starring Jordan Peele, Rachel True, Tony Todd, and more. She has also garnered a micro-influence level following on YouTube, Instagram, and other social media sites. This powerhouse woman in the film is making it happen on her terms.
Keep an eye on her official social media for updates about the film: #GreenHeightsPoint #Meoshabeanfilms