Everything You Need To Know About T-shirts For Men

The elements that most differentiate one shirt from the other are the collar, the cuffs, the buttons, the buttonholes and the pockets. One of the basic garments that should be in every man’s wardrobe without any discussion. There are few alternatives in the men’s wardrobe that can match men’s shirts in terms of elegance, class and good taste. Although its context is very specific and is delimited by its intrinsic formality, it is also one of the universal garments in the textile industry. We show you right now: raise your hand who has never worn or bought any casual shirt. Nobody, as expected.
Although this latest model is the most common in the contemporary man’s wardrobe and has been used by all the style references in the galaxy, men’s shirts have shown the ease of reinvention in recent decades, giving this classic garment unparalleled versatility. Why not? It is no longer only worn under a suit and exclusively to go to the office or a black tie event.
That is why one of the most popular and used garments is the so-called basics: very wearable and versatile solutions that combine well with the rest of the textiles in our wardrobe. Although there are unalterable colours and silhouettes whose presence in your catalogue does not admit discussion, men’s shirts have become a virgin canvas on which designers and firms of all kinds draw the trends that are on the rise.
Conceived as an intermediate point between a shirt and a jacket, shirts are for men, the Great Salvation of the time. And it is that, in these weeks of the year, the daily temperature dance can wreak havoc when it comes to choosing the perfect look: in the morning, we tend to bundle up too much because the thermostat moves away -lower- from the summer figures, but at noon we have half the layers left over.
For this reason, men’s shirts claim their prominence during autumn and spring since they work as an extra layer that is effective enough to protect you from the low temperatures of these months (which also do not reach the minimum of winter) without causing Excessive sweating when leaving work.
Workwear has burst among us, making us think about how this type of clothing can look good. After deliberating on the matter and observing that we can implement several tricks to make this formula work, we have already begun to consider using a shirt. The temperatures are beginning to be unstable, and this is the best garment to practice the technique that best combats halftime: layering.
Thus, it seems necessary to put a question on the table: are we wearing the over shirt well in 2018? And with that “good”, we refer to whether we are getting the best out of it (because you are always handsome). But with these little tips, you can wear it even better and make it one of the star items in your wardrobe this fall.