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Facial Fat Lose Tips 1 Week Easily



Excess fat on the cheeks and swelling are the biggest problems for girls. The face is getting swollen without getting a little fat and the extra fat is accumulating on the cheeks. So start trying to reduce this fat from today. It is very easy to reduce excess fat on the cheeks in just 1 week! But how? Today’s article is about the right way to reduce excess fat. We will tell you about some effective ways to reduce excess cheek fat in just one week.

An effective way to reduce excess cheek fat

If you take the following steps to reduce excess cheek fat, your cheek fat will be reduced in just one week.

(1) Sugar-free chewing gum

Chewing gum reduces excess cheek fat. Because it is a kind of exercise. Doing this exercise will start melting the excess fat on the cheeks very quickly. So chew 2 to 3 chewing gum a day. But make sure the chewing gum is sugar-free.

(2) Green tea
Green tea is very beneficial in reducing excess body fat. It removes toxins from the body and increases metabolism. So be sure to include green tea in your daily diet. You must wake up in the morning and eat green tea for breakfast. Drinking at least 4 cups of tea a day will reduce excess cheek fat in just one week.

(3) Milk and sweet massage

You can make a pack with milk and honey every day and massage your face. This pack will tighten your cheek muscles and prevent excess fat from accumulating. Make a pack by mixing half a teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of milk. Massage this pack from the bottom of your cheek to the top. After massaging for 10 to 15 minutes, wash your face with lukewarm water. Do this massage twice a day. You will understand the difference within a month.

(4) Neckroll exercise
The most effective exercise to reduce excess cheek fat is the neck roll exercise. This exercise can be done very easily.

First, you have to stand straight.
Now you have to bring your chin down to your chest.
Now you have to gently turn the neck to the right. From that point on, keep counting from 10 to 15. Once done, return to the previous state.
Then turn the neck to the left in the same way again. Hold for exactly 25-30 minutes each time.
(5) Diet

Diet is essential to reduce excess fat in any part of the body. No matter how much you exercise, if you do not diet, your excess fat will not be reduced in any way. Include cucumbers, oats, yogurt, fruits, and vegetables in your daily diet. Also, try to eat foods rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E increases our muscle mobility and reduces excess cheek fat. Also, drink plenty of water.

(6) Resistance
It is also an effective exercise to reduce excess cheek fat. You can do this exercise very easily.

First, you have to put your hands under your jaw.
Now with the help of your hand, simultaneously push the jaw downwards and then upwards. In this way keep increasing the pressure from both sides.
Do this 5 to 6 times a day. Doing this exercise regularly will reduce the excess fat in your jaw.
There are many more exercises to lose excess fat. But if you follow these 6 ways, you can easily reduce excess cheek fat in just one week. So use these methods regularly without delay and reduce excess cheek fat. Take care of yourself regularly and stay healthy and beautiful.

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