Fetish Evolution For Fun Or Profit?

Nobody gets “BIG” in the Fetish Modelling World, but you can get well known…
Antje Simdorn is one of those!
Her unique look, combined with her acrobatic skills and natural talent for creating the unexpected and the spectacular makes her different in her creative work!
She doesn’t wait for chemistry to happen between her and the photographers with whom she is working – she creates it!
The results are “Extraordinary” and “Artistic”, and many times both “Sensual” and “Powerful” in a tasteful mix!
Her live performances on stage or up in the air make her stand out even more. Her background as a Free Diver, Parachuter, and Acrobat gives her performances an extra twist in all events she attends. It can best be described as an additional show “within “ the actual show or festival!
She isn’t interested in “Mainstream Commercial Modelling”. It’s simply not her thing, but you could say that the “Fetish” work she does, could all be described as “Commercial “to a certain extent.
Antje Simdorn often performs with clothing made by the German Company – CL Design with whom she has started a close collaboration.
CL Design is a Company that has been producing latex clothing since 2013. They make a wide range of latex clothing that includes everything you can wear from head to toe and also take custom orders. That fits Antje Simdorn well as she is always looking for that Extra Special Touch!
Antje Simdorn loves individuality and the difference between people. Different Goals, Dreams, Looks, Cultures Religions, Philosophies, and the list goes on…
Multi-Platinum Certified Hollywood Producer Geo Slam recently recruited her to be one of the ambassadors for his Global Charity Movement One World with the cause to spread awareness of the importance of “Unity” Worldwide!
Geo Slam, who also is a Leading High-Ranked Mindset and Mental Health Coach for A-Listed Music Artists, is known to handpick the people he surrounds himself with great care – Antje Simdorn is no exception!
Acceptance of Individuality and Diversity leads to Love and understanding.
She thinks that all of these differences when we see them as diversity, are a great asset to all of us, great gifts. We share knowledge of our differences together so that, in the end, everyone gets more out of it.
Antje Simdorn has a global network at her hands. For the One World Catching Fire project, she has gathered and engaged people around the world.
- I was amazed when I realized how many different languages came together from so many countries and cultures, proving we are all “only” humans.
We all have so much to give and so much to share. And I think it’s time to do that, especially during this Pandemic period. Because if we support each other, we will all grow – and grow together. And then we can turn our beautiful blue planet back into the paradise that it is. Together we can do it. One world-catching fire….
Antje Simdorn now challenging all “Fetish Models” Worldwide to take stands for the things and causes they believe in, outside the area of the Fetish Community!
Click Here To Get To Know More About Antje Simdorn and Her Life On The ”Wild Side”, And What SHE Can Do For YOU!
Or Click Here to listen to her Inspirational Motivational Speech on YOUR streaming platform of choice!