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Foundation Repair Wichita KS Services (Detailed Expert Guide)



Foundation Repair Wichita KS Services

The foundation is one of the most important parts of your house. It is what supports the entire structure and keeps it from sinking into the ground. Therefore, it is important to keep your foundation in good repair. If you live in Wichita, Kansas, there are a number of foundation repair services that can help you with this.

Types of Foundation Repair Services

There are several different types of foundation repairs that can be performed by a foundation repair company in Wichita, Kansas. This foundation repair Wichita KS depends on the severity of the damage to your foundation. Some of the most common types of foundation repairs include:

  1. Slabjacking: Slabjacking is a process in which concrete is injected into the gaps beneath your foundation. This helps to raise your foundation back to its original level and stabilize it. Slabjacking is typically used for foundations that have sunken a few inches or less. The average cost of slabjacking is $500-$1,500.

Another effective method is the polyjacking technique, which involves injecting a polyurethane foam into the voids beneath the foundation. This technique is known for its quick curing time and minimal disruption to the surrounding area, making it a popular choice for many homeowners.

  1. Piering: Piering is a process in which steel or concrete piers are installed beneath your foundation to support it. This is usually done for foundations that have sunken more than a few inches. The average cost of piering is $1,000-$3,000 per pier. 
  2. Mudjacking: Mudjacking is similar to slabjacking, but instead of injecting concrete into the gaps beneath your foundation, mud is used. Mudjacking is typically used for smaller foundations, such as patios or sidewalks. The average cost of mudjacking is $500-$1,500. 
  3. Polyurethane Injection: Polyurethane injection is a process in which polyurethane foam is injected into cracks in your foundation. This helps to fill the cracks and stabilize your foundation. Polyurethane injection is typically used for small foundations, such as sidewalks or stairs. The average cost of polyurethane injection is $500-$2,000. 

How to Reduce the Need for Foundation Repairs?

Here are a few tips for reducing the need for foundation repair services.

1. Inspect your gutters and downspouts regularly

Your gutters and downspouts play an important role in protecting your foundation from water damage. When gutters and downspouts become clogged, they can no longer do their job properly. As a result, water can back up and seep into your foundation, causing cracks and other damage. That’s why it’s important to inspect your gutters and downspouts regularly to ensure they’re free of debris. If you notice any clogs, be sure to remove them right away.

2. Grade your yard so that it slopes away from your foundation

Another way to protect your foundation from water damage is to grade your yard so that it slopes away from your house. This will help ensure that water drains away from your foundation instead of towards it. You should also make sure that there are no low-lying areas in your yard where water can pool. 

3. Keep an eye out for cracks in your foundation

Even if you take preventive measures, there’s always a chance that cracks can form in your foundation. That’s why it’s important to keep an eye out for any cracks and have them repaired as soon as possible by a professional. Don’t wait until the problem gets worse—it will only be more expensive to fix at that point. 

4. Repair any leaks promptly

It’s not just important to keep an eye out for cracks in your foundation; you should also be on the lookout for any leaks, both inside and outside of your house. If you notice any leaks, make sure to repair them promptly. Leaks can quickly turn into much larger problems if they’re not dealt with right away, so don’t delay.  

By following these tips, you can reduce the need for repairs to your foundation. Foundation problems can be costly, so it’s best to prevent them whenever possible. Be sure to inspect your gutters and downspouts regularly, grade your yard properly, keep an eye out for cracks, and repair any leaks right away. By taking these steps, you’ll help prolong the life of your foundation.


A solid foundation is essential for a well-built house. If you live in Wichita, Kansas, there are a number of experienced and reputable foundation repair services that can help you maintain or restore your foundation back to its original condition. By taking preventive measures such as keeping gutters clean and planting trees away from your house, you can reduce the likelihood of needing repairs in the future.


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