In Toulenne, the Petit Bois festival returns, for one last entertainment before the start of the school year

The municipality of Toulenne (Gironde) invites Saturday, August 27, 2022, in its wood, all those who wish to spend a last entertaining moment before the start of the school year.
Again this year, the municipality of Toulenne organizes the festival of the little wood on Saturday August 27th. It is held in the municipal wood of Toulenne (behind the municipal stadium), on an emblematic site of the municipality, in the middle of trees, birds, grass, ladybugs, with friends, neighbors, warm entertainment, songs , theater and a show offered as part of the summer scenes in Gironde, await the public.
Here is the program: 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. CAP 33 and Deep Move; 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. Ephemeral toy library; 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. Cie Azul Bangor with the Sac à bafouilles show. Discover a pocket handkerchief show, an equestrian camera in 10 m². An extraordinary family tale that combines poetry, humor and technical mastery. Text by the Azul Bangor collective.
Aperitif offered with fanfare
Then, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Fanfare Y’a pas l’Feu which will animate the aperitif offered by the municipality; 8:15 p.m. – 9:15 p.m.: Cie Zygoptere with the show Le Fil de l’Histoire as part of the Summer Scenes in Gironde, with “explor-actresses”, actresses and explorers of the imagination. “We dedicate our lives to our mission: to discover new stories.
The challenge is immense and we are calling on you to help meet it! Embark with us and follow together the thread of these unpublished stories… Throughout the show the explor-actors improvise: sometimes narrators, sometimes characters, they invent all kinds of stories, have fun using the props of the place or pushing the ditty” explains Cie Zygoptere.
A fire show
And from 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Cie Cirkulez with the Pyromad show as part of the Summer Scenes in Gironde. Between manipulation of flaming objects, dance and body theatre. Pyromad is an extraordinary fire and pyrotechnics show where the fire element becomes the real protagonist of this story full of humor and poetry.
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The new edition of the Petit Bois festival in Toulenne (Gironde) will take place on Saturday August 29, 2020 with a great program of free shows and entertainment.
And here we go again for a new edition of the little wood festival on Saturday August 29, 2020 on an emblematic location of the town, in the middle of trees, birds, grasses, ladybugs, with friends, neighbors, warm entertainment , shows await the public.
The Stag with the Silver Hoof
The first show of the day will be the Deer with the silver hoof which is a fable on the passage from childhood to adulthood, and on the return of the adult to his own childhood.
The puppeteer Fred came to tell the story of the Deer with the Silver Hoof. But a cat got stuck in his throat, leaving him speechless. Luckily, the clown Mona passes by and will try by all means to help her bring this story to life.
Then it will be the turn of Vincent Macias on stage in the middle of the trash cans.
Rubbish is strewn on the ground and, as he throws it into the container, the magic sets in, making these objects reappear assembled and transformed into improbable sculptures!
Will Vincent succeed in discovering that they are musical instruments? Will he manage to tame them? Then the evening will end with the Cie Méchanic for whom the trees have a message for us. Then begins a ritual to invoke the spirit of the tree, the Kodama.
The program
4 p.m.: board games for the whole family offered by the entertainers of the Ludothèque Éphémère and Introduction to the circus with Ouistiti’Circus.
6 p.m.: The stag with the silver hoof by Cie Aurore as part of the Summer Scenes in Gironde. Puppets and clowns on the loose. All public from 6 years old. Duration: 50 mins.
8:30 p.m.: Vincent Macias, multi-instrumentalist musician, Récup à sons. musical show of recycled objects from early childhood and with the family. For all.
9:30 p.m.: The Kodama by Cie Méchanic.
The bar and catering will be provided by the Rapetou association. Wearing a mask and respecting the rules of distancing.