Lingonberry garden: planting and care, cultivation

Lingonberry is a beloved fruit that gives a colorful flavor to Russian dishes, with no special effortless planting and care. Known since ancient times, especially when found massively in the taiga and forest-steppe zones, it grows in large areas and yields only cranberries. The name of the perennial plant, a low evergreen shrub with fleshy leaves, is taken from the word “bruce” meaning “red”.
Lingonberries are quite small (up to 25 cm), creeping rhizomes and steep branching stems. This sweet plant blooms with small white-pink flowers with a sweet-sour taste, fruits of fairly large size (up to 8 mm in diameter).
Lingonberries in the garden: growing features
Growing garden cranberries is gaining increasing popularity both at home and on an industrial level. Plantation cultivation requires the least investment and the return is expected to be high and in a short time. Moreover, bred remonstrant varieties provide a complete high yield (between 1 square meters – 1 kg) and accordingly high gain.
At home, growing blueberries, especially care is minimized, the main thing is to provide the plant with a comfortable growing place; the best will be well-lit areas that are not subject to regular water logging. Gutters should be avoided because they accumulate moisture and stagnate cold air.
Blueberries and blueberries: planting and care
The soil for planting these bushes should be light, sandy or peat with a high acidity. Moreover, even the most suitable for planting area can be planted; a 30 cm layer of sand is poured with added peat and sawdust. Lingonberry seedlings are planted and cultivated mostly in spring (april – may) or autumn. Seedlings deepen into the soil about 2 cm, it is recommended to place lingon with a width of 40 cm between rows at a distance of 30 cm from each other. This is suitable for both manual and mechanized harvesting of fruits. The main thing is to prepare high-quality planting material, and planting blueberries does not cause much trouble. The principle of planting blueberries and blueberries is the same. In flower beds and beds, you can plant a bush after 20 cm to completely tie its crowns. After this,
Mulching is a good harvest factor
It recommends using mulch sawdust, pine needles, straw, bark, or sawdust. In the first two weeks, the plant needs water regularly and then water as needed. Feeding starts from the second year after planting. Mineral fertilizers made during the fruited blueberry period. It does not contribute organic.
Eerie, planting and care, which, by the way, gives more joy than any trouble, has an interesting feature: it feeds on the soil, which absorbs mineral elements from its roots with the help of a fungus that lives on its roots.
Dog breeding and watering of cranberries
Lingonberry propagates by seeds or cuttings obtained by separating some of the shoots from the parent plant by roots. Harvest seedlings have done from spring to autumn.
Garden blueberries, which are very light in planting and care, negatively tolerate both stagnant water and drought in the field, so be careful with watering the plant. Drip irrigation or small drip irrigation recommend twice a week is best. Water consumption per square meter should not exceed 10 liters.
For the best moisture retention, the soil periodically loosens and mulch. Make sure you get rid of weeds; therefore, in order to avoid clogging the area, initially it is necessary to provide the plant with mulch or modern finishing materials. Coniferous chips are also aesthetically and environmentally effective.
Lingonberry: protection from the winds
Lingonberry planting and care for the gardener is aesthetically pleasing, do not like winds, so protection should be carefully thought out; it is provided optimally by planting pine and juniper.
The lack of wind ensures the active work of bees and bumblebees, the best warming of the area, and a favorable climate for the early maturation of the crop. At the same time, the moisture evaporates less; the quality of the fruits is greater, due to the preservation of the wax coating. A small breeze is very useful for airing blueberry areas after rain.
Harvest has an aim to maximize the Plant and care for lingonberries, and as bushes tend to thicken, the plants need to thin out periodically. rejuvenation of the bush is necessary to maintain the quality of the fruits and berries. Pruning cuts are excellent materials for multiplying and expanding landing areas.
Winterhard quality blueberry
Lingonberry garden does not require planting and maintenance, does not require material costs, shows excellent hardness to winter, does not require shelter in winter; during the cold period under heavy snow, you can find the dark green and shiny leaves of the plant. Temperatures below –4 ° c may adversely affect the Flower buds.
The crop expects to be in the second year with proper care. Fruit ripening takes place between August and September, depending on the region and variety. The dried, soaked, frozen, drinks and canned fruits made by harvest.
Lingonberry – the key to excellent health
Lingonberry’s health, growth, planting, care are the only pleasure – it’s just a godsend! Everything is useful in this lovely little plant: bright red fruits (it accumulates a large number of useful microelements and vitamins), as well as shoots and leaves, which are an excellent basis for a useful broth.
Lingonberry leaves have a powerful antiseptic, wound healing, diuretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and tonic effect. This is an excellent treatment for viral diseases. It recommends using decoctions and infusions for rinsing the throat and oral cavity, which are very effective in the treatment of infections, especially staphylococci. Lingonberry is also an excellent tool for reducing the sugar concentration in the blood, which is very useful for people with diabetes. It is a valuable source of protein for dieters.
Collecting to improve the water
To prepare the lingonberry healing water, you should collect it in early spring before the leaves bloom, and you only need to take those that survive during the winter, as the young leaves turn black as they dry. In the fall, after the end of blueberry flowering secondary raw materials can be harvested. To avoid injury to the bushes, the leaves of the bushes should be slightly clogged, without cutting the shoots. After the complete regeneration of the plant repeated harvesting of leaves allowed 5-10 years. before drying unsuitable leaves should be selected: injured and blackened. The fabric spread out in a warm, dark place, the leave spread out in a thin layer For drying.
Good quality cranberries
Lingonberry uses as a diuretic and also use to treat the kidney (if there are stones in them) and the bladder (especially in case of urinary incontinence in children) basically. Also, this sour berry helps to get rid of gout, rheumatism, and diarrhea; it has the ability to lower blood sugar levels.
In addition to ripe blueberry juice, the fruits themselves are beneficial for high blood pressure and vitamin deficiency. When it comes to colds and fever, plant fruits make healing tea. The bitterness in these priceless fruits causes an increase in appetite, so for children and people weakened by diseases, this is an irreplaceable component.
Lingonberries are often planted and used for medicinal purposes, as this fruit is an excellent antiseptic that does not allow infection of the urinary system and protects the intestines and stomach from poor quality food. Prolonged daily decoctions or taking tea from fruits and leaves completely cure urinary tract infection. Lingonberry use in the treatment of various ailments. Also, the plant has a good antipyretic effect.
Although lingonberry fruits taste sour, jams and jams are great. By the way, lingonberry jam is a sweet cure for prostatitis, and tincture prepared on lingonberry will help with hypertension, fever and chronic gastritis.
Fruits are eaten both fresh and drenched. Due to the benzoic acid content, fruits store for as long as about 2-3 weeks. The valuable quality of fruit and their natural wax coating preserve for a long time by immersion in water or low-temperature frosts.
When cooking, blueberry sauce is often served with meat, as it contributes to the maximum absorption of food from it, which reduces energy consumption for digestion. In the old days, fresh meat is usually stored in blueberries.
Lingonberry-Decoction for kidneys and liver.
60 g of leaves on 3 glasses of water – boil for 10 minutes in an enamel bowl. After cooling, strain and drink 3 doses for a day.
There are several types of blueberries that are popular, give excellent yields and have large fruits. Most varieties vary in size, decoration, fruit and yield.
Strawberry varieties
This type of blueberry characterizes dark red fruits with a sweet and sour taste and weighing about 220 mg. The leaves have a smooth surface, like leather. Medium-sized flowers, white. The variety can withstand temperatures as low as -30 ° c, in spring frosts down to -30 ° c. The maturation period is late.
High yielding ornamental variety from holland. The shrub has a spherical compact structure and reaches a height of 30 cm.the average mass of the fetus is about 300 mg. Harvest yields 2 times a year, with one plant you can get 120 g of product.
Red Perl
This variety reaches 25 cm in height, characterized by round-shaped fruits that have a dark red color. Twice a year, the fruit grows in the Netherlands.
Small breed makes a bush 20 cm in height, fruits are dark red, yield is high.
“kostroma pink”
Pink fruits, about 1 cm in diameter and about 15 cm in length, ripen in mid-august.
Diversity grow in Sweden. Fruit weight reaches 400 mg; the yield from the bush is up to 300 g.
Lingonberry is a delicious fruit characterize by healthy properties and an excellent yield of fragrant sweet and sour fruits. In any case, blueberry cultivation is an interesting profession; it brings a lot of pleasure and aesthetic pleasure.

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