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Mr. FoW Drops His Latest LP: A Q&A on Soul Boi III and What’s Next



Mr. FoW, also known as Tim Salau, isn’t your everyday hip-hop and R&B artist. As a Nigerian-American artist, his journey has been anything but ordinary. His latest project, Soul Boi III, dropped on July 13th. It’s a little taste of his bigger project coming this year. Mr. But there’s much more to Mr. FoW than just music. So, today, we’re going to dig into how all of that shapes his work and what went into making Soul Boi III.

Q: Tim, or should I say, Mr. FoW, as your fans know you. Soul Boi III is out, and it’s already making some noise. What sparked this project?

Mr. FoW: Soul Boi III has been brewing for a while now. It’s a reflection of where I’m at, both personally and musically. We dropped it on July 13th, and, by the way, I want to give a big shoutout to my hometown, Houston, Texas, where it all came together.

Q: So, there are a couple of new tracks on Soul Boi III that have people curious—”BushioHOVa” and “PrecIOUs.” Can you give us a little insight into those?

Mr. FoW: Those tracks definitely hold a special place for me. They’ve been tucked away for a bit, waiting for the right moment to shine. “BushioHOVa” and “PrecIOUs” blend my roots with where I’m heading musically—a mix of the familiar and the new. Think of them as a preview of what’s coming next in my musical journey.

Q: You teamed up with Chief Aleel for the EP, and Duchess is even on one of the tracks. How’d those collabs happen?

Mr. FoW: Chief Aleel? Man, he’s a wizard in the studio. We just vibe, you know? He understands my vision and knows how to take my ideas to another level. We spent hours fine-tuning each track, making sure everything sounded perfect.

And Duchess? She’s got an amazing voice, pure talent. We’ve been friends for a while, and I’ve always wanted to work with her. When I was writing “mDNA,” I knew I needed something special for the first half. She was the perfect fit. We got in the studio, and the magic just happened. It was one of those effortless collaborations. I’m super proud of what we made together.

Q: Besides music, you’re also into psychology, how people act, and even architecture. Do these things influence your music at all?

Mr. FoW: Absolutely. Everything’s linked, you know? My interest in psychology and how people behave definitely affects the way I write and think about music. Music taps into our emotions, right? Understanding people helps me do that better. And then there’s architecture and tech—it’s all about structure and new ideas. That’s how I approach my music, too. I want to build something solid, but I’m always looking for ways to innovate and push the limits.

Q: How does that tech background come into play when you’re making music?

Mr. FoW: Tech is a big part of how I work. I’m always trying out new software and tools, looking for fresh sounds or different ways to produce. It’s more than just the tools, though. It’s a mindset. Software development is all about problem-solving and thinking outside the box, even with limitations. I bring that same approach to my music.

Q: You’re juggling a lot—the music, your business, and your advocacy work. How do you keep it all going?

Mr. FoW: It’s a balancing act, for sure. But I’ve gotten better at knowing what to focus on and when to hand things off. I’ve got a great team supporting me, too—big shoutout to Dr. FoW & Associates, GIP Studios, and Atem Group. They keep me on track.

Q: Looking ahead, what’s cooking for the album next year?

Mr. FoW: I don’t want to spill all the beans, but let’s just say the album’s gonna build on what you hear in Soul Boi III. It’ll be deeper, more personal, and I’m definitely experimenting with new sounds. At its core, it’s still about storytelling, though. I want to take listeners on a journey, something they can connect with on many levels. It’ll show my growth as an artist and a person. I think it’s gonna be something special.

Q: Last question—if someone listens to Soul Boi III, what do you want them to walk away with?

Mr. FoW: I want them to feel something real. Whether it’s joy, pain, or something in between, I want my music to hit them deep. Soul Boi III is my journey, but it’s also about connecting with your own. If people listen and feel understood, then I’ve done what I set out to do.


In this conversation, Mr. FoW offers a glimpse into the mind of an artist who’s not only shaping his own path but also striving to make a broader impact through his music and beyond. And his latest LP, Soul Boi III isn’t just a warm-up for his next album, it’s a testament to his passion and creativity. So go on, give it a listen on Spotify, Tidal, or Apple Music. And be sure to follow him on Instagram (@mr_fow) to see what he’s got cooking next. This is one artist you don’t want to miss!

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