Not all photo background removal services can be weighted on the same scale
Some items are produced as replicas. For example, you take a twenty-dollar bill and compare it with another one; they will both look exactly the same. The reason behind that is that they are produced to be the exactly same by the same minting machine. You take a tennis ball and compare it with another one of the same batches; they will look exactly the same. Even if you compare it with another brand, they will both look pretty much the same. However, when you compare one background removal service with another, they will not look exactly the same. In fact, they might differ in quality and look vastly based on the service providers.
Why there are differences in background removal service based on the service provider
Generally, when two individuals perform the same job that required special skills and have the option to use individual creativity, not both jobs will come out to look the same. One reason is the use of creativity. Since the individual is free to use his creativity in performing the job, the output differs. When it comes to structured jobs like factory assembly lines, one person is not doing the entire job. Since the job is structured and requires many individuals to perform it, the output looks pretty much the same. There is no use of creativity here. However, when it comes to creative jobs like Photoshop editing, the individual is free to exercise his editing skills and creativity in editing the image.
Even when creativity is not needed, in commercial photo editing, for example, individual work may vary based on expertise and intention. Someone who is dedicated to offering quality background removal service will take the time to do a great job. At least the output will be based on the efforts made. On the other hand, for someone who is less experienced and wants to do as many jobs as possible in an hour; the quality will be highly compromised.
Why background removal service companies intentionally offer low quality work
In the world of background removal service outsourcing, the competition is very high. A lot of companies are competing to get the business. Every single person or company that is trying to secure a client is trying to do that with the use of the internet. On a single Google search, tens of thousands of search results show up when you search for background removal service providers.
With this extreme competition, the only way service providers try to get a job is by offering lower costs. They think the lowest cost will get the business. While it is true in some cases where people go for the cheapest, it is not the standard entirely. Serious eCommerce companies and marketing agencies will hire people who are capable of offering the service that meets their quality standards. They are willing to pay the right price for the service. Taking less time in editing and doing a half-decent job might get someone some occasional business here and there, they will be mostly from individuals that require one-off services for personal work. Commercial work requires highest level of standards and only the best of the best will be surviving in this area.