Pope Francis said Vaccinations are an act of LOVE
Yes, It’s TRUE that Pope Francis said “vaccinations are an act of LOVE” and yet disregarded Vatican’s assertion that injections need to be voluntary.
The Parish of Vancouver told its clerics to get vaccinated or else they are going to be suspended from their church.
I always thought the CHURCH was on OUR side? hmm, read on, and it will make you question this theory even more…
Stephen Colbert uses Jesus to promote abortion-tainted vaccines
” Being immunized with vaccinations authorized by the qualified authorities is an act of love,” Smith actually said, quoting Pope Francis. “And making sure a large number of individuals are immunized is an act of love – a love for oneself, love for one’s friends and family, love for all of the people.”
Clergyman Gregory Smith, the leader of the archdiocesan, verified on Monday the authenticity of that document.
The document, dated September 23rd, points out the “diaconal administrative agency is a ministry of service, not just to our god but to people of God.” It does not mention anything on whether or not clergymen are necessitated to get vaccinated.
An Alberta Bishop Said NO To Those Seeking Religious Exemption from a COVID Shot
” For the safety regarding all the faithful, and our clergymen, the archbishop has advised that any church officer not completely immunized may not practice in any diaconal department till receiving 2 shots of an authorized injection by Health Canada,” Smith mentioned.
I can’t believe they ACTUALLY said this: ” As Catholics, we are encouraged to get immunized, both in keeping with the dictates of our conscience and in adding to the common good by encouraging the health and safety of others,” Smith stated. “All COVID-19 injections that are clinically endorsed by the appropriate health experts can be licitly received by Catholics.”
We are in the Midst of the Greatest Brainwashing Battle in History
Smith did not respond to inquiries from the Real News Cast Team regarding the number of church officers at the moment considered fully-jabbed, and just how many are not.