The Key to Have Kinky Curly Hair is Being a Kinky Curly Girl!

At first glance, you would assume that it was only the kinky curly girls who had gorgeous, voluminous, yet manageable coiffures — not true. It’s your responsibility to know how to handle your hair to be beautiful and intricately perfect.
Curly hair is great for making your head look bigger and more striking. The more kinkles, the clearer and more defined your style will be. In addition, curly hair or curly extensions requires little maintenance and is suitable for persons who don’t have time to care for their tresses daily. However, with all the advantages, curly hair has some disadvantages.
Care for your hair
You may want to use strong shampoos if you have dry or damaged hair because these products can help restore moisture levels in your tresses. However, if you have oily or acne-prone skin, it’s best to avoid harsh cleansers as they could irritate your scalp. Instead, opt for milder shampoos that don’t contain sulfates or other chemicals that can be harsh on sensitive skin. You can also rinse cold water after shampooing, so any residue doesn’t build up in your locks.
Use the right products:
The right products can help you get the most out of your kinky curly hair. You should always use sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, as these can cause damage to your hair. You can also use oils and serums to help strengthen and moisturize your strands.
Wear protective styles:
When styling your kinky curls, it’s important to protect them from the elements by wearing protective styles like braids or buns that provide less friction on the scalp. At the same time, they air dry or blow dry after washing them with shampoo and conditioner (if necessary). If you still want more style options when styling your curls, try using curlers before going out in public, so they stay put through the evening.
Condition your hair
While you can use any type of conditioner, we have found that organic coconut oil works best. Rub a small amount over your dry hair, starting at the ends and working up to the crown. Make sure to apply it evenly throughout, especially on the ends.
Don’t brush curly hair.
Stuffing wet hair with products is a common mistake for curly girls, but it can lead to breakage and frizziness in your curls. Instead, simply run your fingers through your curls to style them as you please!
Cover your hair
Curly girls often deal with product build-up and dryness from styling products that don’t work for their hair type (seriously, don’t use pomade if you have kinky curly hair). To keep things clean without having to wash them every day (or daily), simply wrap a scarf around your head when you’re going out or sleeping! The friction will help remove any residue from styling products while protecting your tresses from sun damage!
Make sure you’re eating well.
Food is your main source of energy and nutrients. If you’re not getting enough of it, then your body will not be able to grow or repair itself properly. That’s why it’s important to eat a healthy diet that contains all the nutrients your body needs to function properly.
You should start by eating more fruits and vegetables, which contain essential vitamins and minerals for hair growth and maintenance. You can also add protein-rich foods such as eggs, fish, and meat into your diet, as these help keep you feeling full for longer periods.
If you have curly hair too, then you know the struggle of covering up straight ends. But there are innovative products that can be used to search your curls from within and keep them moisturized. Passion twist hair will show you how to solve your short curly hair problems with twist hairstyles.