What is Google Trends and how can you help me in my SEO strategy?
Do you want to attract more customers with your positioning campaigns? Google Trends is one of Google’s tools that will help you deliver relevant, quality, and useful content for your target audience. What are Google Trends and how can you help me with my SEO strategy?
You must give information related directly to your own company, products, or services. Otherwise, it doesn’t make much sense to create content that is not of value to your business, right?
If users do Google searches on the topics you have written, in the best case you will appear on the first page of the search results with the possibility of taking more clicks, that is, visits to your page.
But how do you know what keywords and topics your audience is looking for in Google?
And what keywords or themes are more popular than usual within your niche?
Here comes one of Google’s great tools for digital marketing: Google Trends.
In this article, I will tell you what Google Trends is and how you can use this tool to improve the SEO of your website and thus attract more visits.
What are Google Trends and what is it for?
Google Trends is a free Google tool that allows you to compare when and how often people click on certain keywords or topics on Google.
You can compare certain periods, regions, and languages. You can also see related topics and searches.
How do the results compare through Google Trends?
1. Go to
2. Enter a search term or topic.
3. Press Enter.
4. You can also add another search term to compare and/or adjust the country, period, category, etc., as desired.
Google Trends, below, shows the relative results for each query you make, there is no absolute data such as Google Keyword Planner (another practical tool for SEO).
what do I want to say with that?
Google Trends examines the relative popularity of the search term entered.
The popularity of the search term is compared with the total number of searches possible during the period and for the location, you choose and are placed on a scale of 0 to 100.
In other words: the figures in the Google Trends charts indicate the search interest about the highest value in the chart for the region and the corresponding period.
A value of 100 is the maximum popularity of that term. A value of 50 means that the term, at that specific time or in that specific region, is half popular. A score of 0 means that there is not enough data available for this term.
Google Trends only shows data for popular terms, so low-volume search terms appear as “0”. Repeated searches by the same person are also not counted.
Ways to boost your SEO strategy with Google Trends
Apart from giving us information about search trends and keywords, the tool can be very useful to enhance the SEO of our websites, here are several ways to do it.
1. Discover and respond to seasonal trends.
The total number of searches per month for a term is called ” search volume “. Many of the search volumes for certain keywords are seasonal or seasonal.
For example, in the months when it is warmer, there will be more searches for “women’s swimsuits” than in the cold months. It seems logical, doesn’t it? Well, many companies do not take it into account. Look at this graph with trends of the last 5 years, those peaks are in the summer months.
Is it your company or are your seasonal products and services?
You can easily discover it through Google Trends when people are more and less looking for those keywords you can nearly respond to them.
With this information, you can already enhance your most relevant pages or blog articles on those topics 2 to 3 months before the peaks. This way, it gives Google the time it takes to crawl your pages and display them in the search results higher and higher.
You can even help those pages by carrying ads or social media traffic during the peaks.
2. Avoid SEO errors
Keyword search is a critical part of any SEO strategy, and there are tools specific to keywords for search volume, SEMrush, or Keyword Planner of Google, for example.
They are very practical, but the monthly search volumes that represent these tools for a given keyword can sometimes give a distorted image if, for example, that search term is very popular geographically.
This example is very clear, “beach flip flops” can have many searches, but look at the interest, 4 Mediterranean communities, and the rest of the coastal communities. Perhaps in the north, they have another name that we have not taken into account.
If you start doing an SEO campaign in certain communities, they may not be relevant to that keyword, so you will have to search for synonyms or another way to call these products.
You can check through Google Trends if the theme or keyword you have chosen is useful for all the places you want to reach with your SEO strategy.
3. Find new keyword ideas
I know it seems obvious, but apart from detecting trends we can find other related keywords, if you enter a search term in Google Trends, you can see in the “Related Topics” and “Related queries” many relevant topics or new ideas of keywords.
Using keyword tools such as the aforementioned SEMrush or Google Keyword Planner you can find out the actual volume of searches and competition for these terms.
4. Discover where there is a lot of demand for your business
Through Google Trends. You can see where (countries, cities, and regions) the search terms are the most popular and where there is the greatest demand for the products and services you offer.
This is where you can focus on responding through local SEO, and also through targeted ads on social networks and Google Ads.
On the other hand, you can also see how the search interest of a term is different in different countries, as you can see in the example, the keyword “online printers”, a very Anglo-Saxon term, has a greater interest in countries such as Belgium or Switzerland, more than in the United Kingdom itself.
You can even make even more advanced filters, comparing the same term in several countries.
5. Find out the trends of other Google sites and boost your SEO
With the use of Google Trends, you can also check the popularity of search terms in different Google networks :
- Web Search
- Google images
- Google news
- Google Shopping
- YouTube Search
If you do not know, YouTube is, after Google, the world’s largest search engine and is owned by Google, but that does not mean that people look the same on both channels.
Compare the search interest without a doubt both in the “Web Search” and “YouTube Search“. This way you can anticipate certain video trends, and the SEO of your videos can improve and add the strategy to the whole of your marketing campaigns.
6. Discover why blog articles attract fewer visitors
Do you wonder why a blog post, which once got a lot of traffic, is currently not doing it? It’s time to check with Google Trends!
If you put the subject or the target keywords of your blog post on Google Trends, you can see if there is a downward trend in the popularity of these search terms and/or the subject.
Specific search terms sometimes fall in popularity, but variants do not, you can consider updating your blog with new or different alternatives.
Conclusions about Google Trends
Google Trends presents a series of useful features that you can adopt to obtain valuable information about your content and thus be able to design your SEO strategy accordingly. What is even more interesting is the fact that it is a free tool, which of course complements other payments.
Therefore, be sure to use it so that your web page appears in the top positions of Google.