Zoophobia: Fear of Animals, Animal Phobia.
Some people have a great fear of animals. Zoophobia is a fear of different animals such as cats, dogs, and insects. As there can be many reasons for animal phobia, it is also possible to overcome this feeling. Not every fear of animals is zoophobia. It is normal to be afraid of animals such as snakes and scorpions. What is the fear of animals? Is it normal to be afraid of animals? Here are all the details.
People with zoophobia are afraid of all kinds of animals, regardless of the type of animal. Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. Fear of animals is called zoophobia. These people avoid situations and events that they see as dangerous for them.
What is Zoophobia, Fear of Animals, Animal Phobia?
Zoophobia is the medical term for the fear of animals. This disorder, which usually starts at a young age, can be seen in people from all walks of life and at any age. People with zoophobia feel fear of various animal species.
Generally, child this disease, which occurs in the period of time, causes distress and difficulties for the person throughout life. In some cases, untreatable problems may occur. Animal phobia follows the patient for life and it may be necessary to get help from a psychologist to overcome this. People with this disease may be afraid of all animals, regardless of the type of animal.
What are the Reactions of People with Zoophobia?
You can easily understand whether you have zoophobia or not when you encounter animals. If you have the following reactions, it means you have zoophobia;
- acceleration in heartbeat
- panic state
- Fear
- dizziness
- Sweating
- Cry
- Escape
- Formation of anger
What are Treatment Methods?
Zoophobia is an important problem and must be treated. Animal lovers cannot understand this fear and often ignore it. It also “does nothing” to people with an animal phobia for their cute friends. and suggest with words such as “is friendly”. These suggestions will make people with zoophobia more nervous than relieved.
In order to overcome fear, fear must be overcome. It is necessary to instill patience with the feared animals. Behavioral therapy is the best treatment for patients. Behavioral therapy is a very effective method. People with animal phobia come into contact with baby animals. You can help him understand that his fears are unfounded by making him watch animal documentaries. You can also treat the patient by using the gradual desensitization method. With this method, the patient is enabled to zoom in on the screen with the creature he fears and watch it. When the applications are made in a controlled area, the patient has the opportunity to cope with the extreme anxiety he feels towards animals more easily.
What Causes Zoophobia?
Zoophobia is a state of anxiety and fear of all kinds of animals that can occur for many reasons. Sometimes patients may experience fear for multiple species, but sometimes for only one species. Animal phobia in society is usually caused by dogs, cats, and insects.
Childhood traumas may also be at the root of fears. Sometimes, disorders that occur due to the inability of the brain to fully perform its function cause zoophobia. For this reason, patients should receive psychological support for zoophobia and determine the source of their fear.
Cultural differences in feared animals between countries also have an important place. People with this disease cannot go to the houses where cats and dogs are fed, and they cannot watch the feared animal on television. Fears affect life negatively.