Across diverse domains, technology has surged ahead, surpassing many of humanity’s past accomplishments. However, amidst this rapid progress, the once-mastered skills and artistic brilliance of ancient...
In olden times, when a lot was yet to be discovered, there were not many professions as such. However, some aspects of healthcare and engineering have...
“A ride is not just a physical experience; it’s a journey into the realms of fantasy and emotion.” Thanks to the constant pushing of technical boundaries...
“Everybody does what she needs. And if you want plastic surgery, and then you feel better, why not? There is no law. I’ve nothing against using...
“Multimedia is not more media, but the employment of various kinds of media (and hybrid media) for what they each offer to advance the narrative.” ~...
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” — Mahatma Gandhi Healthcare is among the most prevalent domains around the...
Dr. Delbar Niroushak, a Canadian innovator born on September 11, 1976, has carved a niche for herself as a distinguished Enterprise coach and the co-founder...
“Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can – there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.” –...
“I think music is about our internal life. It’s part of the way people touch each other. That’s very precious to me. And Astrology is, in...
Christianity comprises the pillar of evangelism, which is beyond the framework of forcing people to turn toward God. Rather, the ideology represents preaching the love of...